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Why should you care?
The cybersecurity landscape is constantly evolving, and cyberattacks are growing in number, scale, and sophistication: cybercrimes cost the world $6 trillion annually. It is also expected to reach USD 10.5 trillion annually by next year.
To respond to the growing threats that come with increased digitalisation and cyberattacks, the European Union has passed the Network and Information Systems (NIS2 Directive). This new EU Directive, NIS2, imposes stricter legal requirements for cybersecurity in Europe with the goal of strengthening the cyber-resilience of a comprehensive set of businesses operating in the EU across all relevant sectors.
Streamlining reporting obligations is a key expected outcome, thanks to stricter supervisory security measures.
The good news is that if your organization is already ISO 27001 certified, you have already taken significant steps towards becoming NIS2 compliant. In fact, by building an ISO 27001-compliant ISMS, you complete 70% of the NIS2 requirements.
Is your company there yet or is your company impacted by NIS2 at all? Join our session and find out:
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